Saturday, September 27, 2014

We need All of you.Come let us guard our kids

Some people believe that to call it child sexual abuse it has to be actual physical sexual act involving a child.

This is not so.
 According to Medline plus, it includes a wide range of acts between a child and an adult or an older child which may comprise of physical contact on most of the occasions, but not always.
It may include
  •  Asking or pressuring a child to engage in sexual activities
  •  Indecent exposure (of the genitals, female nipples, etc.) to a child with intent to gratifying the sexual desires of the offender or to intimidate or groom the child
  •   Actual physical sexual contact with a child
  •  Using a child to produce child pornography

The National Society for Prevention of Cruelty to children, describes child sexual abuse as

  • Sexual touching of any part of the body, clothed or unclothed, including using an object
  • All penetrative sex, including penetration of the mouth with an object or part of the body
  • Encouraging a child to engage in sexual activity, including

  • Sexual acts with someone else
  • making a child strip or masturbate

  • Intentionally engaging in sexual activity in front of a child
  • Not taking proper measures to prevent a child being exposed to sexual activity by others
  • Meeting a child following sexual 'grooming', or preparation, with the intention of abusing them
  • Taking, making, permitting to take, distributing, showing or advertising indecent images of children
  • Paying for the sexual services of a child or encouraging them into prostitution or pornography
  • Showing a child images of sexual activity including photographs, videos or via webcams.

Child marriage is another most horrific form of child sexual abuse. In fact UNICEF states that child marriage “represents perhaps the most prevalent form of sexual abuse and exploitation of girls".

A child is not mature either physically or psychologically to deal with any such sexual performance. Thus exposed to such abuse can damage a child’s health.
Most people tend to believe an unwanted pregnancy to be the only adverse outcome of child sexual abuse. Indeed an unwanted pregnancy in a mere child who may not even be able to take care of her let alone another life would definitely be a tragic outcome. It is said that more than 60% of teen pregnancies are preceded by child molestation.

Yet it is only the tip of the iceberg
Child molestation can damage a child physically by
  • Infection with Sexually transmitted Diseases
  • Lacerations in genital regions/rectum, internal bleeding and may be even death due to massive bleeding.
  • Eating disorders
  • Sexual disorders

  • It can damage the psychological health of the child and may cause Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Sleep Disturbances, poor self-esteem, depression, personality disorders etc.
  • It has been noted that victims of child molestation are more prone to self-harm, alcohol and drug abuse risky sexual behavior in adolescent and adult life. Some studies have shown in fact that being molested in turn increases the risk of the child becoming a child molester himself in later life.
  • The cheerful life of the innocent kids is turned in to a night mare by child abuse. They become shy and withdrawn, loose their self-confidence and sometimes may even become aggressive. Their school performance will deteriorate as well as their social relationships.

Confused and often frightened signs of child sexual abuse may not be signposted on a victim. Yet careful vigilance will always detect some change in a previously normal child.
  • Physical signs may not be common although redness, rashes/swelling in the genital area, urinary tract infections, or other such symptoms may be a possible outcome and therefore should be carefully investigated.
  •  Also, anxiety and depression may appear as physical symptoms like such as chronic stomach pain or headaches. They can also show regressive behavior. i.e: habits that stopped in childhood like bedwetting of thumb sucking will suddenly re appear
  • More common are the emotional or behavioral signals. These can run from "too perfect" behavior, to depression and shyness, to unexplained anger and rebellion.
  • Sexual behavior, interest and language that are not age-appropriate can be a red flag.

A single episode of sexual abuse is quite enough to scar a child for life. Yet sadly child molestation often is unnoticed and therefore repeated sexual exploitation of victims is a usual trend.

 It involves prevention of repeated sexual molestation as well.

Staying alert to save every child possible should be the responsibility of us all. Shouldn’t it be?

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